Motivating The Female Entrepreneur
Informative Resources for the Female Entrepreneurs

Welcome to Tax Prep Thursdays!
January 5, 2023
Tax Prep Thursday will serve as your bi-weekly information hotspot for business taxes, bookkeeping, important IRS updates for your business, and other data related to the money portion of your business.
All these topics are important for many reasons, but the #1 reason to get knowledgeable about your business money is UNCLE SAM! Yes, the annual payout to Uncle Sam is the reason why your organization and diligence throughout the year is not only important, but also necessary. You don’t ever want to be in a position when you’re stuck with a huge tax bill at the end of year due to mistakes that could have been avoided with some organization or due to deductions that were missed (don’t worry we’ll discuss this in more detail in future blogs!)
Before preparing to file your taxes, the main objective is to GET ORGANIZED. Having all your documents organized will not only offer you peace of mind, it will also make filing your taxes much simpler and faster, and possibly reduce the cost of your tax preparation fees. Getting ORGANIZED prior to filing, and remaining organized throughout the year will ensure that each tax season you will find yourself doing less prep work and more looking ahead at the future of your business.
So let’s take a moment to congratulate you on the financial success of your Business! Now that you’re in the swing of things; making money, staying organized, getting new clients/jobs, etc. Let’s make sure you’re all good in the eyes of the IRS aka Uncle Sam!
Stay tuned for future blogs featuring tips on getting business financials organized, different software and methods of tracking your expenses, deductible business expenses and how to categorize them, and much more!
Adrienne Benson

Welcome and Thanks For Joining Us
July 17, 2022
Hey Hey Hey Ladies!
I want to thank you for taking the time to see what we have to offer you! We are working really hard over here to make sure that we not only bring value to you and your business but that we are able to help bring funds to you and your business as well! We all know that if your business is not making money it is nothing more than an expensive hobby!
We are moving pass expensive hobbies and into a zone of abundance, wealth, and less stress.
We are here to help you do just that! Have you seen our new weekly schedule for the FREE MHER Facebook group? (Not apart of this amazing group? Click the link here to be in the know! https://bit.ly/JoinMHER ) We have an amazing line up from our board members and we are rolling out information about our memberships soon!
You don't want to miss out on this! Growing your network by joining groups like MHER is monumental to growing your net worth! Are you ready?!
See you INSIDE!
Nakeita Harris